Have you ever noticed that your gums bleed or are a bit redder around your teeth? That bleeding you see may be a sign of early-stage gum disease.
Inflamed, red, or dark-coloured gums can be a way of the soft tissues around your teeth letting you know there is bacterial build-up present. The bacteria may accumulate close to the gum-line and generate plaque and toxins, which can then harden and become tartar (calculus). By this time, regular cleaning done at home will not be able to eliminate this hardened build-up. This leads to your gums to become irritated and bleeding while brushing or flossing. Don’t fret, at this stage, called gingivitis, your gums can still be treated, and the condition can be entirely reversible.
Gum disease is currently the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
If gingivitis is left untreated, it may affect the underlying jaw. At this stage, the condition is called periodontitis, which is not so reversible. Periodontitis, otherwise known as periodontal disease or advanced gum disease, may lead to spacing, pain, infection, crooked teeth, halitosis, loose, or even loss of teeth.
A big issue is that periodontal disease may be present without causing pain or discomfort, and often goes undiagnosed, to the point where much of the damage has been done. To stop the disease it is necessary to remove all the infection-causing plaque and calculus from the teeth and root surfaces.
At Central Park Dentist, we feel the need to be extra-thorough during our hygiene procedures. We carefully identify early signs of gum conditions, and endeavour to treat our patients as promptly and as painlessly as possible. If you would like more information on dental care for preventing or treating gum disease, please contact us on 02 6153 3134 or Book Online.